It is terrible to have to re-house an animal, especially if you are the one doing it. When I hear stories, the allergies are not always known or the animal seems fine as a little kitty but then when they are bigger, they start and become intolerable.
First, plan ahead. The hypoallergenic breeds are
- Balinese cats
- Bengal cat
- Burmese
- Colorpoint Shorthair
- Cornish Rex
- Devon Rex
- LaPerm
- Navenese
- Ocicat
- Russian Blue
- Sekirk Rex
- Siamese
- Siberian cats
- Sphinx
Test or babysit for one of these. Understand that hypoallergenic does not mean nonallergic, though.
Make sure the parents do not have any skin issues themselves. Often, an animal is more allergy-causing because it sheds more of its dander. This can happen in animals that are prone to skin issues…just like humans.
Have the animal groomed but not so frequently that you dry out the skin. That will provoke dermatitis, or skin inflammation, and cause more shedding and therefore more allergies. Purina ProPlan also has a LiveClear rinse-free shampoo that helps denature the major cat allergen and render it less allergenic.
Watch out for adolescence…just like humans shed more when they are in adolescence, so do animals. Animals also hit a growth spurt…more animal, more allergy to animal. This is the peak time for patients to come in due to allergies to their animals.
Limit the number…the more animals, the more dander; the more dander, the more allergies.
Get a high-quality air purifier to help get rid of the dander. Don’t forget to change the filter regularly.
Try Purina ProPlan LiveClear, which decreases the amount of Major Allergen that the cat sheds. That said, patients can be allergic to more than one allergen, but this is an enormous help!
Finally, if you have tried all of the above and still have allergies, consider allergy shots to your cat. You can opt to limit to one shot, which limits expense, as well.
It is always sad when a cat needs to be rehoused due to allergies of their beloved parent. If you have allergies to your kitty or cat, give us a call for testing or treatment today! Call 480-500-1902 or request an appointment at https://relieveallergyaz.com/contact now! Begin your allergy testing journey with Dr. Wendt at Relieve Allergy in Scottsdale, Arizona—It’s time to take care of yourself!
Learn more about Dr. Wendt and Relieve Allergy Asthma & Hives at www.relieveallergyaz.com or connect with us: https://www.facebook.com/RelieveAllergy/, https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-wendt/, https://x.com/RelieveAllergy, https://www.instagram.com/relieve_allergy/ or https://www.youtube.com/@JulieWendt-qx7jm
Relieve Allergy Asthma & Hives is located near Kierland Commons, 21803 N. Scottsdale Road Ste. 200, and has convenient evening and morning hours to accommodate your schedule. Dr. Wendt is also available for telemedicine appointments as appropriate. Most insurance plans are accepted.
DISCLAIMER: This blog is not meant to substitute for medical care by an Allergist-Immunologist nor is it intended to provide medical advice or imply a Physician-Patient relationship with its readers or their family. It is intended to provide guidance, direction, and moral support from someone experienced in testing and treating allergies. This is also not meant to be a “do-it-yourself” manual or a “how to” overcome your allergies. Some of the issues mentioned, whether allergic or look-a-like, can be dangerous or if left unchecked, deadly. Please develop a relationship with a Physician you trust to help you with diagnosis, advice, questions, and treatment regarding your and your family’s medical conditions.
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