Cats are such wonderful pets. Research has shown time and time again that cat owners live longer and are happier people. We need them as much as they need us. It is thought that cats co-evolved with us and that humans encouraged cats to live near and eventually with them to rid their crops and home of pests. This was a big deal if you think about grasshoppers or cicadas eating your next meal, or the list of plaques carried by cats…including “The Black Death”. Cats have protected us in this way, and we have come to protect them and develop a relationship with them.
But how do we know our little fur babies are happy? Body language, which is something animals do better than us. Here are some indications:
- Eyes: A happy cat has fully dilated eyes, and if they are telling you they love you they blink slowly with one or both eyes. This is a great trick to increase rapport with your cat…blink slowly with both eyes next time they look at you. You are effectively telling them you love them.
- Ears: Are upright and facing forward or tilted back slightly (as opposed to flattened back)
- Facial expression: I wish I could catch this but it looks a bit like a smug human…pinpoint pupils, staring directly at the subject of their malice, eyes slit and still, ears and posture vigilant, and either bearing their teeth or mouth looking like an angry grimace, possibly with claws poised if they are really mad. I see this regularly when my puppy, Huxley, pounces over to play with Cleo, my son’s cat. I find it so funny, that I almost encourage the behavior (don’t tell my son). Cleo will turn to Huxley and hiss with open mouth and teeth out, then turn back to me and sweetly purr gently, then turn back and his at him. Thankfully, she no longer claws at his face, but she does not have to do this. Huxley knows who is boss
- Back: relaxed
- Tail: in a C-shape, like a Shepard’s hook, gently swishing back and forth, and shaking like a rattle (this is a I love you)
- Posture: relaxed, often rubbing against you and inanimate objects near you
It is always sad when a cat needs to be rehoused due to allergies of their beloved parent. If you have allergies to your kitty or cat, give us a call for testing or treatment today! Call 480-500-1902 or request an appointment at https://relieveallergyaz.com/contact now! Begin your allergy testing journey with Dr. Wendt at Relieve Allergy in Scottsdale, Arizona—It’s time to take care of yourself!
Learn more about Dr. Wendt and Relieve Allergy Asthma & Hives at www.relieveallergyaz.com or connect with us: https://www.facebook.com/RelieveAllergy/, https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-wendt/, https://x.com/RelieveAllergy, https://www.instagram.com/relieve_allergy/ or https://www.youtube.com/@JulieWendt-qx7jm
Relieve Allergy Asthma & Hives is located near Kierland Commons, 21803 N. Scottsdale Road Ste. 200, and has convenient evening and morning hours to accommodate your schedule. Dr. Wendt is also available for telemedicine appointments as appropriate. Most insurance plans are accepted.
DISCLAIMER: This blog is not meant to substitute for medical care by an Allergist-Immunologist nor is it intended to provide medical advice or imply a Physician-Patient relationship with its readers or their family. It is intended to provide guidance, direction, and moral support from someone experienced in testing and treating allergies. This is also not meant to be a “do-it-yourself” manual or a “how to” overcome your allergies. Some of the issues mentioned, whether allergic or look-a-like, can be dangerous or if left unchecked, deadly. Please develop a relationship with a Physician you trust to help you with diagnosis, advice, questions, and treatment regarding your and your family’s medical conditions.
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