Do you have itchy eyes, a runny nose or nagging cough? We are saying goodbye to fall allergens and already seeing spring agitations. You could have a common cold, the flu or maybe a recently developed allergy.

Allergy skin testing options help provide answers and can be administered in office with relatively quick results. Pediatric and adult allergy skin testing options are available at Relieve Allergy Asthma & Hives.  Allergy Skin Testing options include a series of investigative painless skin procedures. Dr. Wendt performs a variety of tests to determine many different types of allergies including environmental, food, insect stings, dust, pets, latex, mold, drugs and more.

Common symptoms for allergies can include allergic conjunctivitis, dry eye, urticaria (also known as hives), and eczema. Some symptoms are not so obvious and sometimes misidentified as the common cold.

What is Allergy Skin Testing? To know what triggers an allergic reaction, skin testing is an appropriate way to investigate with extracts of common allergens. A scratch test is a non-invasive skin test in which allergens are scratched on your skin. An intradermal test involves allergens being injected just under the surface of your skin. Allergies produce a controlled hive, or wheal and flare, type skin response whereas non-allergic substances do not trigger a skin reaction during these tests. These tests are administered quickly and reactions are noted in the same appointment. The tests are safe because although you may be coming into contact with something to which your are allergic, the amounts are very small and administered under the direction of Dr. Wendt’s medical expertise and with the help of her caring and experienced staff.

Types of allergies tested with Allergy Skin Testing Allergy skin testing options are the beginning to successful allergy treatment plans. Many different allergens can be tested including fall and spring environmental allergens, foods, venoms, antibiotics, latex and more.

Environmental Allergies: Fall and Spring Spring allergens are already here as many of us, due to the lack of winter freeze, never said goodbye to sniffles caused by fall allergies. Environmental and seasonal allergies develop when the body’s immune system becomes sensitized and overreacts, causing problems for many people.

Environmental allergy symptoms range from a runny nose, coughing, sneezing and nasal congestion to watery, runny and itchy eyes. Sinus pain and frequent sinus infections or sinusitis is also sometimes an indication of environmental allergies.

Food Allergies: Food allergies affect an estimated 4%-6% of all children in the United States. Eight foods or food groups account for 90% of serious allergic reactions in the US: milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, wheat, soy, peanuts, and tree nuts.

The symptoms and severity of allergic reactions to food can be different between individuals, and can also be different for one person over time. Food allergies can be immediate, occurring within seconds to hours, or delayed, occurring a week or more after ingestion. To test the former, the skin prick test, much like the environmental allergy skin prick test, is used. For delayed food responses, food patch testing is employed.

Venom Allergies: Allergic reactions from honey bees, hornets, wasps, yellow jackets and fire ants are commonly known to cause allergic reactions. Potentially life-threatening reactions are seen in less than 1% of children and 3% of adults.

Antibiotic Allergies: There are multiple types of drug allergies. Some occur on first exposure. Some drug allergies may not occur on first encounter with the medication but rather develop over time. Penicillin can be tested and is an established means of determining allergy to penicillin-type antibiotics and cephalosporin-type antibiotics. Other drug testing can be performed but are not validated or FDA-approved.

Latex Allergies: Latex is found in many medical and dental supplies including disposable gloves, dressings and bandages. It is also found in many consumer products. For diagnosis, a variant of skin allergy testing with a latex glove can be completed.

Other In-office Testing Options: Spirometry testing and Pulmonary Function Testing are also available in-office to monitor lung function and diagnose and assess asthma, COPD, and a variety of other lung problems.

Treatment Plans: Every diagnosis is unique but more common allergies can be easily treated with allergy shots or drops. Patient lifestyle and personal needs are always a priority in treatment plans. Dr. Wendt creates treatment plans to fit your daily routine and offers Modified Rapid Desensitization when appropriate. This treatment allows patients to be ready for allergy season in a few weeks to months rather than the typical year of weekly allergy shots, as long as the individual patient tolerates the procedure well. Depending on the severity of the allergy, Dr. Wendt conducts food allergy testing in a graduated investigative sequence in order to minimize any complications such as severe anaphylactic reactions.

Relieve Allergy Asthma & Hives is located near Kierland Commons and Scottsdale Quarter, 21803 N. Scottsdale Road Ste. 200, and has convenient evening and weekend hours to accommodate your schedule. Dr. Wendt is also available for telemedicine appointments as appropriate. Insurance plans accepted. Call 480-500-1902 today to schedule an appointment and begin your allergy testing journey with Dr. Wendt at Relieve Allergy in Scottsdale, Arizona. Learn more about Dr. Wendt and Relieve Allergy Asthma & Hives at

If You Get Skin Testing for Allergies. WebMD. Retrieved 14 February 2018, from
Types of Allergies. American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Allergist. Retrieved 14 February 2018, from
Food Allergies in Schools. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved 14 February 2018,