Should you use a decongestant nasal spray? Don't wait any longer! You deserve to be Relieve-d. If you would like to be tested for your allergies or believe you might be [...]
Appointments 480.500.1902
21803 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite 200 | Scottsdale, AZ Don't wait any longer! You deserve to be Relieve-d. If you would like to be tested for your allergies or believe you might be [...]
Dr. Wendt discusses bird allergy testing and treatment.
Dr. Wendt discusses precautions for children with allergies and asthma as they return to school this year.
How can you use respiratory HFA device correctly?
Dr. Wendt discusses the correlation between asthma flares and thunderstorms
We will be open regular hours (but shot clinic will be closed): August 20th, 21st, 24th, 26th, and 28th We will be open regular hours [...]
Dr. Wendt discusses Valley Fever.
Dr. Wendt reviews some precautions to keep your allergies and asthma in check on July 4th.
What is the proper technique for using a respiratory inhaler spacer?
Dr. Wendt discusses the technique of nasal spray